We are serving the most vulnerable populations in Haiti

Who we are

FOSREF has established, throughout Haiti, various centers and programs that offer a wide range of integrated interventions and services in the areas of Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Maternal Health, Prevention, Management and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted […]

Major programs / projects

We are serving several categories of populations, but the most targeted are:

Men and women of childbearing age

Young people of both sexes aged 10 to 24

Sex workers (TS) and clients of TS

Parents and supervisors of young people, school teachers,

People living with HIV (PLHIV) and their families,

Orphans and children made vulnerable by AIDS.


We are operating in the ten departments of Haiti, through a network of FOSREF clinical centers and outreach-community networks.

Statement by Dr. Fritz Moise, executive director of FOSREF

United nations population awards 2006 7 Juin 2006

Our partners

FOSREF has several categories of Partners; FOSREF’s biggest partner is the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP); FOSREF is a key partner of the MSPP, in all areas: strategy/operation/services etc….